Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Compulsive Me

I don't really understand the way my body works. Earlier after I picked Garrett up from work and we went to the BX for a few things, and then stopped back by his shop for something he forgot, I felt so exhausted I couldn't even get out of the car to join him inside because I was so utterly exhausted. When we got home I managed to complete my goal for today which was to actually make dinner for us. For some reason that is the hardest for me to get the motivation to do. It wasn't much, just egg sandwiches, but those are always yummy and it was a small accomplishment. I'd had every intention of just laying down afterwards and trying to get some extra rest, my body has been telling me I've been doing too much lately. But instead I got this burst of energy and motivation to clean. I re-organized under our bathroom sink, organized the drawer of my nightstand, folded laundry, and will probably vacuum... What is it that pushes me so ridiculously to the edge of exhaustion and keeps me from napping? I've never been much of a napper, ask my mom, but everyone keeps telling me to sleep as much as possible now while I can. But I can't seem to do that... I find myself just doing more and more instead. I think I have a real compulsive tendency. More than just what I normally joke about with people. I'm so frustrated with myself but don't know how to just stop and relax for a few hours... Hopefully I'll be able to find a solution and fast... I'm wearing myself out everyday and I know it's going to catch up with me. I guess I had a small success in this department last night. Instead of folding the laundry while Garrett was at Scouts like was my plan I put myself in a hot bath and finished my book. Maybe I'm not a total lost cause. By the way, if you want a good woman empowering book, you should read 'A Woman's Place' by Lynn Austin. It takes place around four women from different backgrounds and situations who find friendship while working in a factory during World War II. It's extremely good and I could hardly put it down the whole time I was reading it.
Well I'm going to go finish folding my laundry and hope to pass the vacuuming to Garrett and maybe go to bed early tonight and sleep in (comparitively) tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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